Douglas Abby Tan Standing Cat 8"
Douglas Abraham Black Lab 8"
Douglas Ace Yellow Lab
Douglas Adara Dapple Horse 8"
Douglas Addie Caramel Labradoodle 16"
Douglas Adele Orange Stripe Cat 9"
Douglas Aki Shiba Inu 9"
Douglas Alba White Cat 12"
Douglas Alice Alpaca 10.5"
Douglas Alps Bernese Mountain Dog Large 24"
Douglas Amore Black Lab with Heart PJ's 6"
Douglas Angie Aqua Starfish 8"
Douglas Angora Guinea Pig 8"
Douglas Anita Rainbow Unicorn 15"
Douglas Archie Humpback Whale 14"
Douglas Argento Silver Lab 9"
Douglas Arnold Schnauzer 10"
Douglas Arrow Head Brown Paint Horse 8"
Douglas Ashes Wolf 7.5"
Douglas August Golden Retriever 14"
Douglas Axel Mutt 8"
Douglas Aztec Indian Paint Horse 8"
Douglas Baby Cuddle Hug Bunny
Douglas Baby Cuddle Hug Butterfly
Douglas Baby Cuddle Hug Fox
Douglas Baby Cuddle Hug Pup
Douglas Baby Cuddle Hug Wolf
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Auggie Tan Puppy 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Bria Butterfly 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Danny Dino 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Demitri Dragon 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Emilie Unicorn 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Farrah Pink Fawn 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Georgie Giraffe 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Gibson Goose 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Joey Gray Elephant 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Jordan Fox 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Rainbow 13" (retired)
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Stanley Sloth 13"
Douglas Baby Lil' Snuggler Star Pony 13"
Douglas Baby Nora Pink Teddy Bear 10.5"
Douglas Baby Playtivity Rattle Bumble Bee
Douglas Baby Playtivity Rattle Snail
Douglas Baby Playtivity Rattle: Dreya Dragonfly
Douglas Baby Playtivity Rattle: Lia Ladybug
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Bria Butterfly 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Danny Dino 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Dragon 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Farrah Fawn 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Fox 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Georige Giraffe 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Gibson & Arlo 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Happy Little Panda 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Joey Gray Elephant 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Lamb 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Mermaid 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Nova Owl 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Rosy and Auggie Puppy 6"
Douglas Baby Soft Activity Book Stanley Sloth 6"
Douglas Baby Sonny Blue Teddy Bear 10.5"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Auggie Tan Puppy 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Bria Butterfly 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Bunny 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Danny Dino 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Demitri Dragon 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Dreya Dragonfly 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Emilie Unicorn 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Farrah Pink Fawn 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Gavin 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Georgie Giraffe 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Gibson Goose 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Joey Gray Elephant 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Jordan Fox 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Lennox Lamb 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Lia Ladybug 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Mermaid 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Pollen Bumble Bee 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Princess Noa 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Snail 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Stanley Sloth 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Star Pony 19"
Douglas Baby Sshlumpie Vera 19"
Douglas Baby Zeta Gray Teddy Bear 10.5"
Douglas Bamboo Panda 8"
Douglas Beachy Pelican 8"
Douglas Bear Black Lab 10"
Douglas Bee Mine Bee 6"
Douglas Bella Golden Retreiver 16"
Douglas Belle Jersey Cow 11"
Douglas Belma Bat Finger Puppet 13"
Douglas Bernie Beagle 16"
Douglas Bertie Bluebird 7"
Douglas Betina Pig 10"
Douglas Betsy Holstein Cow 11"
Douglas Bev Beaver 9"
Douglas Bibs Small Emperor Penguin 8"
Douglas Billie French Bulldog 12"
Douglas Biscuit Cavapoo 7"
Douglas Black Bat with Purple Wings 4.5"
Douglas Blaze Husky 10"
Douglas Bob Beagle 8"
Douglas Bodhi Goat 7"
Douglas Bolt Australian Cattle Dog 16"
Douglas Bopper Dolphin 10"
Douglas Bordon Burro 8"
Douglas Bosco Chocolate Labradoodle 8"
Douglas Boulder Black Bear 15"
Douglas Brach Brachiosaurus Dinosaur 15"
Douglas Brewster Black Lab 12"
Douglas Bristle Hedgehog 14"
Douglas Brushy Hamster 5"
Douglas Brutus St. Bernard 9"
Douglas Buddy Beaver 7"
Douglas Buffy Baby Goat 6"
Douglas Bundy Newfoundland 16"
Douglas Bushy Fox 10"
Douglas Buttons Pig 4.5"
Douglas C.C. Bean Chocolate Lab 12"
Douglas Cambri Pink Poodle 8"
Douglas Carlos Chihuahua 10"
Douglas Carmine Cardinal 6"
Douglas Cassie Weimaraner 16"
Douglas Chadwick Corgi Large 16"
Douglas Chap Golden Retriever 10"
Douglas Charlize Floppy Pig 16"
Douglas Chase Border Collie 16"
Douglas Cheeks Bunny Assortment 6"
Douglas Chesa Blue Crab 11"
Douglas Chester Black Lab 16"
Douglas Chichi Chihuahua 8"
Douglas Chicken Sandwhich Macaroon
Douglas Chillin' Cheetah Cub 12"
Douglas Chipper Chickadee 6"
Douglas Chuckwood Groundhog 11"
Douglas Clanger Australian Cattle Dog 8"
Douglas Clara Fox Ballerina
Douglas Clawson Lobster 13"
Douglas Cleo Unicorn 19.5"
Douglas Cocoa Chocolate Lab 16"
Douglas Colbert Eagle 8"
Douglas Colorful Chicks Assortment 6"
Douglas Cordelia Turtle 11"
Douglas Cornell Yellow Lab 8"
Douglas Cotton Candy Flamingo 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Annabel Butterfly Puppet 10"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Bert Ladybug 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Britt Butterfly Puppet 10"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Chive Bee 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Flint Firefly 8.5"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Inchy Inchworm 8"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Juniper Luna Moth Puppet 10"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Kady Grasshopper
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Lavern Slug 7.5"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Micah Praying Mantis 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Monarch Mini Butterfly 6.5"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Ophelia Orchid Mantis 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Shelby Snail 8"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Shelly Snail 10.5"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Silas Blue Caterpillar 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Sloane Slug 7.5"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Sybil Pink Caterpillar 7"
Douglas Cuddle Bugs Syd Snail 8"
Douglas Cyril Snake 30"
Douglas Dancer Wolf 10"
Douglas Dandelion Puff Bichon 8"
Douglas Dapper Ferret 7"
Douglas Decker Whale Shark 15"
Douglas Deuce Two-Headed Dragon 10"
Douglas Dickens Black Lab Really Big 32"
Douglas Dilly Dachsund 8"
Douglas Dixie Sheltie Large 18"
Douglas DLux Alder Wolf 16"
Douglas DLux Bernadette French Bulldog 13"
Douglas DLux Creamie Bunny 10"
Douglas DLUX Fu Siamese Cat 9"
Douglas DLux Geno Husky 19"
Douglas DLux Gretta Grey Cat 24"
Douglas DLux Jake Black Lab 21"
Douglas DLux Jovi Giraffe 21.5"
Douglas DLux Konner Tri-Color Corgi 19"
Douglas DLux Lettie Yellow Lab 22"
Douglas DLux Levi Brown Spotted Pig 16.5"
Douglas DLux Lobo Floppy Husky 25"
Douglas DLux Maizie Australian Shepherd 18.5"
Douglas DLux Maverick Doberman
Douglas DLux Moses Terrier Mix 18"
Douglas DLux Niko Wolf 26"
Douglas DLux Oakley Golden Retriever 19"
Douglas DLux Oscar Maine Coon Cat 20"
Douglas DLux Ozzy Possum 13"
Douglas DLux Porter Arctic Fox 17"
Douglas DLux River Great Pyrenees 19"
Douglas DLux Rowan Red Panda 15"
Douglas DLux Saffron Leopard 20"
Douglas DLux Sammy Mixed Mutt 19"
Douglas DLux Sheldon Sea Turtle 17"
Douglas DLux Skylar Australian Shepherd 15"
Douglas DLux Tater Shar Pei 10"
Douglas DLux Thor Leonberger 19"
Douglas DLux Trooper Bernese Mountain Dog 21"
Douglas DLux Zoey Cat 22"
Douglas Doodle Dog with Heart Headband 8"
Douglas Dove Pomsky 9"
Douglas Draco Grey Dragon 15"
Douglas Duke Appaloosa Horse 17"
Douglas Dunham Shiba Inu 16"
Douglas Einstein Great Horned Owl 9"
Douglas Enzo Meerkat 10"
Douglas Esme Mauve Unicorn 19.5"
Douglas Eugene Red Dragon 11"
Douglas Everest White Retriever 11"
Douglas Feisty Jack Russell 8"
Douglas Fin Great White Shark 22"
Douglas Flair Springer Spaniel 8"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Dexter Australian Cattle Dog 10"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Duffy Yellow Lab 10"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Felix Golden Retriever 12"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Java Chocolate Lab 10"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Napoleon French Bulldog 12"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Rocky Rottweiler 12"
Douglas Floppy Dogs Whittaker Black Lab 12"
Douglas Ford Black Lab 12"
Douglas Francine Fox 7"
Douglas Freckles Golden Appaloosa Foal 10"
Douglas Gabby Red Parrot 8"
Douglas Gavin Galaxy Soft Doll 13"
Douglas General German Shepherd 16"
Douglas Gerti Goat 9"
Douglas Gigi Black Poodle 8"
Douglas Gilman French Bulldog 7"
Douglas Gina White Poodle 8"
Douglas Ginger Giraffe 12"
Douglas Glory Fawn 8"
Douglas Goldie Golden Retriever with PJ's 6"
Douglas Gracie Golden Retriever 5"
Douglas Gretel Red Dachshund 12"
Douglas Hally Orange Striped Cat 8"
Douglas Hamilton Pug 8"
Douglas Hardy Bulldog 16"
Douglas Harko Black German Shepherd 8"
Douglas Harold Bassett Hound 16"
Douglas Hawkeye Appaloosa Horse 22"
Douglas Hazel Cairn Terrier 16"
Douglas Hectorina Hen 10"
Douglas Henrietta Hen 8.5"
Douglas Hi-Wire Black Squirrel 6.5"
Douglas Hilda Himalayan Cat 8"
Douglas Holiday Lil' Baby Assortment
Douglas Holiday Sugar Cookie Assortment 5"
Douglas Honey Golden Retriever Large 23"
Douglas Howie Horseshoe Crab 11"
Douglas Hydra Silver Baby Dragon 8.5"
Douglas Igor T-Rex Dinosaur 11.5"
Douglas Ingrid Corgi 16"
Douglas Irbis Snow Leopard 14"
Douglas Isabelle Rainbow Stripe Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Ivan German Pointer 10"
Douglas Jade Mint Turtle 11”
Douglas Jagger Black Panther Cub 24"
Douglas James Black Lab Large 23"
Douglas Jamie Octopus 13”
Douglas Joli Husky 12"
Douglas Jolly Maltipoo 8"
Douglas Jubilee Birthday Party Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Juliette Persian Cat 15"
Douglas Jumbo Boogie Bearded Dragon 30"
Douglas Jumbo Boots Cat 30"
Douglas Jumbo Jefferson Bear 30"
Douglas Jumbo Palmer Pig 27"
Douglas Jumbo Shelly Snail 18"
Douglas Jumper Flying Squirrel 10"
Douglas Kelso Mountain Lion 20"
Douglas Kiki Floppy Ragdoll Cat 19"
Douglas King Golden Retriever 16"
Douglas Kingsley Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 9"
Douglas Kira Kangaroo with Joey Finger Puppet 12"
Douglas Kirby Tricolor Corgi 16"
Douglas Kita Akita 16"
Douglas Klaus Belgain Malinois 12"
Douglas Lainey Lemon Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Lava Tiger 8"
Douglas Legend Snowy Owl 10"
Douglas Len Llama 7"
Douglas Leroy Black Spotted Pig 7"
Douglas Lexi Llama 8.5"
Douglas Lil' Baby Aqua Turtle 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Bear 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Black and White Kitten 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Black Lab 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Corgi Puppy 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Dolphin 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Fox 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Golden Retriever Puppy 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Gray Kitten 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Gray Stripe Cat 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Grey Goat 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Hamster 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Highland Cow 7"
Douglas Lil' Baby Husky Puppy 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Lion 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Moose 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Navy Dragon 7"
Douglas Lil' Baby Orange Stripe Kitten 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Otter 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Owl 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Panda 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Possum 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Raccoon 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Shark 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Slowpoke Sloth 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Spotted Pig 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Tiger 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Unicorn 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Whale 6"
Douglas Lil' Baby Wolf 6"
Douglas Lil' Bitty Bunny Bright Color Assortment 5"
Douglas Little Bit Lamb 5"
Douglas Lola Blossom Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Louie Corgi 10"
Douglas Love Bug Ladybug 6"
Douglas Lumber Jack Moose 8"
Douglas Macaroni Doodle Dog 11"
Douglas Macaroon Bunny Assortment 6.5"
Douglas Mackay Dalmatian 9"
Douglas Majestic Gray Dapple Foal 10"
Douglas Major German Shepherd Large 32"
Douglas Mandy Yellow Lab 16"
Douglas Maps Calico Cat 8"
Douglas Marsha Baby Mallard 6"
Douglas Meadow Border Collie 8"
Douglas Melbourne Kangaroo 12"
Douglas Melody Robin 6"
Douglas Mia Gray Unicorn 13"
Douglas Miki Gray Seal 10"
Douglas Miles Aussie Doodle 10"
Douglas Millie Yellow Duck With Sound 4"
Douglas Milo Pug 9"
Douglas Mini Black & White Cat 5"
Douglas Mini Black Lab 5"
Douglas Mini Blue Octopus
Douglas Mini Bunny Bright Color Assortment 6"
Douglas Mini Bunny Natural Colors Assortment 6"
Douglas Mini Butterfly Assortment 8"
Douglas Mini Dino Tego Stegosaurus 10"
Douglas Mini Dino Toni T-Rex 7"
Douglas Mini Dino Tops Triceratops 9"
Douglas Mini Golden Retriever 5"
Douglas Mini Grey Cat 5"
Douglas Mini Owl Assorted
Douglas Mini Pink Octopus
Douglas Mini Soft Bonnie Ice Blue Unicorn 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Brontie Brontosaurus 8"
Douglas Mini Soft Cadie Pink Cat 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Earie Fennec Fox 7.5"
Douglas Mini Soft Edie Yellow Lab 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Ellie Unicorn 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Flappie Bat 9"
Douglas Mini Soft Gillie Axolotl 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Hallie Unicorn 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Harlie Chocolate Lab 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Hattie Black Lab 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Mallorie Baby Mallard Duck 7.5"
Douglas Mini Soft Marnie Taupe Goose 7"
Douglas Mini Soft Melodie Pink Unicorn 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Mistie Arctic Fox 6"
Douglas Mini Soft Pretzel Snake 7"
Douglas Mini Soft Rickie Gold Chicken 7"
Douglas Mini Soft Rudie Raccoon 7"
Douglas Mini Soft Snowie White Retriever 5"
Douglas Mini White Cat 5"
Douglas Mini Yellow Lab 5"
Douglas Miranda Bernese Mountain Dog 8"
Douglas Molasses Caramel Labradoodle 8"
Douglas Monty Mouse 5.5"
Douglas Mr. Brown Chestnut Horse 8"
Douglas Mr. G Groundhog 7"
Douglas Multicolored Chick Brown 4"
Douglas Multicolored Chick Yellow 4"
Douglas Natalee Birthday Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Natches Indian Paint Horse Large 27"
Douglas Nectar Hummingbird 6"
Douglas Neo Green Dragon 16"
Douglas Nikita Husky 8"
Douglas North Husky 11"
Douglas Nudge Horse
Douglas Odie Skunk 10"
Douglas Oliver Possum 9"
Douglas Oma St. Bernard 16"
Douglas Opal Moon Jellyfish 7"
Douglas Orion Red Tail Hawk 9"
Douglas Pancake Bengal Tiger Cub 12"
Douglas Paula Pufferfish 11"
Douglas Pauline Spotted Pig Medium 10"
Douglas Pauline Spotted Pig Small 7"
Douglas Penelope Peacock
Douglas Pepper Multicolored Hen 8.5"
Douglas Percy Porcupine 12"
Douglas Petal Ballerina Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Phoebe Pomsky 10"
Douglas Pigeon 6"
Douglas Pippa Rainbow Soft Doll 13"
Douglas Pizza Rat Macaroon
Douglas Poofy Shih-Tzu 10"
Douglas Poppy Floppy Goat 11"
Douglas Punchie Mantis Shrimp
Douglas Puzzle Floppy Calico Cat 19"
Douglas Queenie German Shepherd 8"
Douglas Quincy Boston Terrier 8"
Douglas Quinn Quokka 10"
Douglas Rafter Barn Owl 8"
Douglas Ralph Rat 9"
Douglas Rhea German Shepherd 10"
Douglas Rita Floppy Gray Cat 12"
Douglas Roadie Red Squirrel 6"
Douglas Romeo Westie Dog 16"
Douglas Rosalie White Doodle Dog 9"
Douglas Rosie White Bunny with Easter Egg 5.5"
Douglas Runner Black and White Paint Foal 10"
Douglas Ryu Blue Baby Dragon 8.5"
Douglas Sailor Sea Slug 7"
Douglas Salem Floppy Black Cat 12"
Douglas Salty Black & White Hen 9"
Douglas Sandi Golden Retriever 12"
Douglas Sasha Husky 16"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Anchor Heart with Golden Retriever 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Beautiful Bugs with Snail 6"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Berrie Surprise with Llama 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Birthday with Chocolate Lab 6"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Boho Horseshoe with Chestnut Horse 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Camping with Fawn 6"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Cosmic Swirl Yellow Lab 7"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Dino Love with Pink Dino 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Dragonfly Dreams with Bichon 7"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Fairy Friends with Fawn 7"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Farm Friends with White Hen 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Fun Castle with Pink Unicorn 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Good Vibes with Corgi 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Happy Day with Golden Retriever 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Kindness with White Unicorn 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Leopard Kitty with White Cat 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Magic Swirl with Pegasus 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Magical Forest with Sitting Fox 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Magical World with Purple Unicorn 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak My Little Garden with White Cat 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Ocean Friends with Sea Turtle 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Oh Snap! Black Lab 7" (retired)
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Patchwork Floral with Golden Retriever 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Puppy Pawty with French Bulldog 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Purr-fect Pals with White Cat 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Retro Chic Bichon 6"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Sea Star Stripe with Yellow Lab 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Sunny Smiles with Corgi 7"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Sweet Treat with Chocolate Lab 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Tie Dye with Chocolate Lab 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Under the Sea with Golden Retriever 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Watercolor Rainbow with Gray Cat 6.5"
Douglas Sassy Pet Sak Western with Buckskin Horse 6.5"
Douglas Scatter Gray Cat 8"
Douglas Scooter Black & White Cat 12"
Douglas Sebastian Floppy Himalayan Cat 19"
Douglas Shasta Gray Squirrel 6"
Douglas Sheba German Shepard 8"
Douglas Sherman Golden Retriever 32"
Douglas Sherman Golden Retriever Medium 26"
Douglas Shiloh Lamb 6.5"
Douglas Shiny Coral Starfish 10"
Douglas Shorty Tri-Color Corgi 8"
Douglas Shrill Saw-Whet Owl 7"
Douglas Silky White Tiger Cub 12"
Douglas Simon Sloth 8"
Douglas Sinclair Australian Shepherd 16"
Douglas Slicker Baby Duck 6"
Douglas Sly Fennec Fox 11"
Douglas Smiley Gray Shark 13"
Douglas Smokey Floppy Gray Cat 19"
Douglas Snippy Black and White Cat 8"
Douglas Snow Queen Arctic Fox 10"
Douglas Soft Albie Wolf
Douglas Soft Allie Purple Platypus 11"
Douglas Soft Andie Owl 9.5"
Douglas Soft Beckie Black & White Cat 12"
Douglas Soft Bixbie Longhorn 9"
Douglas Soft Black Bear
Douglas Soft Bobbie Chicken 9"
Douglas Soft Boogie Bearded Dragon 12"
Douglas Soft Bowie Bernese Mountain Dog 11"
Douglas Soft Brinie Walrus 11"
Douglas Soft Buffie Buffalo 11"
Douglas Soft Callie Woolly Mammoth 9"
Douglas Soft Carmie Mountain Lion
Douglas Soft Chattie Capybara
Douglas Soft Cheekie Corgi
Douglas Soft Codie Corgi 9"
Douglas Soft Colbie Grey Cat
Douglas Soft Corie Black Cat 6"
Douglas Soft Dandie Goat
Douglas Soft Delanie Dachshund 12"
Douglas Soft Dennie Duck
Douglas Soft Desie Mallard Duck 10"
Douglas Soft Dollie Lamb 11"