The Animal Kingdom — Family
Calling All Locals: Summer in State College
Posted by Katy Stager on
Whether you’re just passing through town, visiting for a few days, or if you’re a full-time, full-fledged family of Happy Valley – I think many of you might agree that summer in State College is amazing. The students have gone home, leaving our peaceful town to the locals for three-and-half glorious months of sunshine and fun. So what kinds of fun things, you ask, does the Stager family get into during the summer here in the Valley? Some activities occur every week, while others are special events scheduled on certain dates throughout the season.
- Tags: Active, Activities, Central PA, Cheap, Childhood, Children, Entertaining, Family, Free, Kids, Local, Memories, More Fun, Movies, Nature, Outside, Play, Quality Time, State College, Summer, Sun, Traditions, Warm Weather
Spring Parks
Posted by Sara Carlson on
Spring has arrived in Happy Valley, at least for the time being. With the first golden rays of springtime sunshine peaking through the windows, my entire household bolts out to the nearest park to soak up the sun. We are lucky that Centre County has so many great local parks...
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- Tags: Animal, Childhood, Children, Climb, Exercise, Family, Healthy, Kids, Life, Memories, More Fun, Nature, Outside, Parenting, Parks, Play, Playground, Quality Time, Raising Kids, Run, Seasons, Spring, Springtime, Sun, Walk, Warm Weather
Real Mom Review: The Best Bear
Posted by Sara Carlson on
I only ever had one, one little bear that was a present from my Aunt Adeline. His name was Snuffles and his pure white snowy plush, little impish smile, and button brown nose were so adorable. I snuggled the stuffing out of that little bear.
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- Tags: Animal, Bear, Best Sellers, Childhood, Children, Children's Store, Classic, Cuddle, Family, Gund, Kids, Memories, Parenting, Play, Products, Quality, Raising Kids, Sharing, Shop Local, Shop Small, Small Business, Snuffles, Snuggle, Teddy, Teddybear, Top Items, Toy Store, Tradition
Man's Best Friend
Posted by Katy Stager on

The [canine] boys have loved our tiny human from day number one. When we brought Nora home from the hospital, she became “their baby.” I’ll admit, I was slightly nervous as to how the initial introduction would go down, but our boys made us proud. They have been nothing but gentle, patient, and protective of our sweet girl.
- 1 comment
- Tags: Animal, Baby, BFF, Bond, Canine, Childhood, Children, Companion, Dog, Family, Growing Up, Life, Man's Best Friend, Memories, Newborn, Parenting, Pet, Pets and Kids, Puppy, Raising Kids
Stir Crazy!
Posted by Sara Carlson on

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- Tags: Activities, Arts & Crafts, Baking Soda Painting, Children, Cold Weather, Family, Indoors, Kids, More Fun, Painting, Parenting, Play, Quality Time, Raising Kids, Science, Winter