The Animal Kingdom — Choices

Secondhand Spring

Posted by Katy Stager on

I love spring for so many reasons – first and foremost being the commencement of nearly nine gorgeous months of running outside. Heaven. On. Earth. Another reason I love spring? SPRING CLEANING! Now, if you’ve been following my blog via The Animal Kingdom website, you may have already picked up on some of my Type-A personality traits, and my OCD-style thoughts on cleaning. Since spring is a season of renewal, I love nothing more than to spruce up the house, do some gardening, and get rid of things that are simply taking up space around our house. 

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Brand Spotlight: Zutano

Posted by Lindsay Williamson on

We have quite a few companies that have truly partnered with us as a retailer and in turn, we feel it easy and natural to represent their brand to the very best of our ability. So, we thought we'd start a blog series called "Brand Spotlight" to share with you why we love the brands we sell at The Animal Kingdom.

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Making Time

Posted by Katy Stager on

Having a child really puts “time” into perspective. Time has become more personal to me now that I truly understand the value of it – how quickly it comes and goes… how powerless we are to stop it from slipping by. The only control we have lies in what we choose to DO with the time we are given.

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Being an Only

Posted by Katy Stager on

We live in a land where Gallup polls reveal that along with a white picket fence, America’s domestic dream seems, more often than not, to involve 2.5 children. Being and growing up an only child in a world of brothers and sisters is… interesting.

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The Cheaper Diapers

Posted by Katy Stager on

Once Nora arrived, I was nervous which is natural for any new parent, and my “type A” personality came on strong when it came to the “right” and/or “wrong” way to do things. I was sure that the realms of right and wrong, good and less-than-good parenting, were black and white. I scoffed at the “live and learn and then get [cheaper diapers] commercial.” Cheap diapers couldn’t possibly be as good as the more expensive brands, right? 

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